Friday, November 11, 2016

We have been telling you 
this is not a country safe
For a trans person to walk alone
For a black person to drive alone
For a woman to say No
to the wrong person
We have been telling you
that the refugees who do get through
say that surviving here
as poor people of color
with limited English
is harder
than what they survived
to get here
We have been telling you that
all of this has been happening
all of this time
before photo phones and social media
got you thinking about it
We have been telling you
how common open bigotry is
how dangerous latent prejudice is
and you did not really believe us
because of your own latent prejudice
which includes the latent classism
that had you believing
that the end of the factory town
and the end of family farm
and a generation of blue collar youth
marching into military hell
so they could have a place to eat
were sad things happening somewhere else
that wouldn't affect your life.
So, NOW you say 
your idea of America has been destroyed?
Well. Thank God something good has come from this.
was always a becoming
was never a prize in hand.
Go get some Langston Hughes in one hand,
and a shovel in the other--
We are ready to work beside you 
when you are.

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